Friday, May 30, 2008

Gray Shades of Technology - A Crazy Experience...

Two days ago, I was biking back home from the marina nearby my house. As I was crossing the street, I saw a large Escalade inch its way around the corner –bike versus machine, I thought idly. I remember being amused for a split-second before I realized that the Escalade didn't see me coming. Suddenly the battle between the old and new wasn't so funny. It was almost pathetic—my bike suffered a grueling defeat. The Escalade wasn't even moving that fast!

I asked the driver to put his monster of a car in reverse so that I could pull the mangled carcass of my bike out. The car stopped off to the side.

"Hi, sir," I said, "You know, the pedestrian has the right of way on a walk sign." I kept my cool. Mostly because I was still in shock.
He said he knew, and that he was sincerely sorry. He asked me if I was okay, and what could he possibly do? Very decent guy, I thought.
"Just write down your information. Name and number should be fine."
He rummaged around and couldn't find a pen/paper. I didn't have anything on my person either - not even my cell phone. Finally, I asked him to call my cell phone and leave a message on it.

I started lugging my bike up a hill I have to par on the way home. I desperately wished I had my cell phone to call my mom – I was already pretty tired, and the cruel summer sun beat down relentlessly as I walked and person after person exclaimed at the state of my bike.

“Yes, it was a car,” I told them.

I cursed technology the whole time – if we hadn’t built cars, and boats and airplanes we’d be much better off. It’s true that we wouldn’t be able to do half the things we do, but we wouldn’t have expected to do those things either. Wouldn’t society be better off if we all rode our bikes everywhere? With the rising gas prices, I’m sure it would be a more economical thing to do…obesity might go down, roads would be exponentially safer, and we wouldn’t have high expectations of people.

I imagined a utopian world ruled by primitive technology, low expectations and physical zeniths and thought what a wonderful world…

After about an hour of carrying my bike with the mantra, “Sanjana, your muscles will be bigger than your face. Keep going,” playing repeatedly through my head, and rejecting desperate plots of tackling people and snatching their cell phones, I finally reached a public library. I knew my mom would be worried by now – I’d been out for three hours without a call.

I went in and called my mom – she was furious, livid. She was already circling the routes she knew I took to get to the marina looking for me – her anger had reached a boiling point. What, I asked her, was there to be angry about?!

“Sanjana. Why didn’t you carry your cell phone? I’ve told you a billion times, take your cell phone with you…”

High expectations…I’m telling you, we’d all be better off if we were less connected.

I called the Escalade driver from my cell phone when I got home.

“Hi. This is…the bike girl.” I’m really eloquent sometimes…

“Yes. Sorry. I’ll take care of any expenses for your bike.”

The next day my mom and I drove over to an area around where he lives (it was pretty close by). We dealt with all the details, after which he cordially told me that I could keep his number, and that he already had mine so he would know who was calling. He said that if I ever wanted any tickets to a baseball game at Shea Stadium, to let him know…

“Oh, do you work there?” my mom asked.

He said, yes, that it was his profession. He played for the Mets. (I would tell you who, but not online…)

At this point, I proceeded to go absolutely berserk (in my head)—I was in even more of a state of shock than when my bike was crushed. He was so kind and polite about everything—I knew my brother would get a kick out of it all since he is madly fanatic about anything that has to do with sports.

On the way home, I texted my brother who was out of town. He called me right away.

“Sanj. Stop sending me incoherent text messages.” I was really excited and couldn’t press the buttons quite right…

“Guess what?! Remember when mom told you about my bike yesterday? Well, guess who was in the car.”

I told him – he almost couldn’t believe it. After he corrected my pronunciation of his name, and we hung up, I decided to text the famous Mets player.

Like I said, I was absolutely star struck. I send him exactly two insane messages. In the first one, I told him that I couldn’t believe it, and that if I’d have known who he was, I wouldn’t have accepted any money from him. In the second one, I effectively said that I realize that he is high profile, and that I’d keep his information on the d/l. Thinking back on it now, I realize that technology should be kept away from my hands in moments of hysteria.

What, you may wonder, is the conclusion? Technology is both a boon and a curse. The fact that cars are dangerous both damaged my bike and put me in contact with a celebrity. My cell phone served as both a convenient medium for conversation, and as something that society has become addicted/too attached to. In about twenty minutes, I’m going to head to Penn Station to meet up with a close friend from Brooklyn. Without technology, I may never may have been able to keep in touch with her…the utopian world I had envisioned wouldn’t have allowed for it. These are the gray shades of technology…

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Google Claims Internet Freedom is Threatened

Recently Viacom decided to sue YouTube for copyright infringement which it feels is currently being displayed in over 150,000 clips, according to the BBC. Viacom has claimed that YouTube, and its parent company Google, have done little to live up to the standard set by the 1998 Digital Millenium Copyright Act, also stating that the company has done "little or nothing to stop infringement". Google has cited this action as being a threat to the way "hundreds of millions of people legitimately exchange information over the web." Since last year YouTube has had in place an anti-piracy toll that "checks uploaded video's against the original content in an effort to flag piracy." The suit will likely take years to come to a conclusion as Google has promised to continue to fight the allegations brought on by Viacom, saying that they are ready to go "all the way to the Supreme Court".

Modern Love - Instant Message, Instant Girlfriend

The New York Times style section recently held an essay contest asking college students to define love as they see it. The runner-up, a simultaneously amusing and troubling essay titled, "Instant Message, Instant Girlfriend," chronicles the author's escapades with love online.

Though I disagree with him, I think it's interesting that he comes up with this conclusion: "The Internet is not a separate place a person can go to from the real world. The Internet is the real world. Only faster."

It is faster...but is it real?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

This Week's Business Week

In 2005, Business Week published a widely read article titled, "Blogs Will Change Your Business." It showcased the powers of bottom-up media, and described the inability of people against it to control the flow of information. In the June 2nd issue of Business Week, in a relevant and engaging article, Stephen Baker and Heather Green say that they may have been a bit naiive about the whole thing.
Click on the link, it's a great article!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Brown Suits and Bright Apples

Walking through Grand Central, I saw a mid-60's executive in a tan suit working out of a tan lock, latches, and leather briefcase. Inside his case was a Macbook Air.

First it was the white earbuds, then it was the white plastic and brushed metal with lighted Apple logos across college campuses. Now, iPhones and Airbooks are becoming the chic and ubiquitous norm among the corporate set and the C-Suite; how?

Last week, eWeek released Apple's new sales numbers. Apple now has 66% of the market for new PC's in the >$1000 category; 64% of new laptops and 70% of new desktops (that's surprising). Ok, so if you want to be hip and trendy, you're going to have to do it by laser-etching or stickering your MacBook. But what it does mean is that the people at the top are adopting Macintosh as their platform of choice at an astronomical rate. It also means that Apple is refusing to compete in the commodity technology market. For those who have the impression that computers are supposed to cost over $1000, the only choice is apple. But for the majority of the world, where what matters most is access to technology, apple won't even be recognized.

In a world where high tech is ubiquitous, Apple will become the mark between the Have's and the Have Not's.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Parting Thoughts

In an e-mail to my father the other day, I vented about the stress of the coming two weeks –the tests, the papers, and the misery. His instantaneous reply was calming, a bit frustrating, and full of typical fatherly advice. “Son,” he typed, “let me remind you again of the words of the great John Wooden: ‘failing to prepare…’ “

I had heard this one a million times and finished the adage in my head: “is preparing to fail”.

I’ve been fond of this quote since the first time he recited it to me a few summers ago. I was in relentless pursuit of my college hockey dreams and paying the price to make them become a reality. How true it is, I thought to myself, that proper preparation brings you peace of mind.

Recently though, I’ve started to question the sage advice of the aging Coach Wooden. Could it be that in our present day and age of extreme convenience that hard work and preparation no longer carry the clout they used to? It seems that society today is overrun with shortcuts brought to us by new technologies. Students can now write a twenty-five page research paper in the time it used to take someone to obtain enough research material to write five; singers are voted to superstardom via text message voting on television shows; professional athletes use performance enhancing drugs and hit 73 home runs in a season.

Don’t get me wrong, technology is a wonderful thing. With advancements in pharmaceuticals, millions of lives are saved; Third World countries are pulled from the rungs of poverty; I’m able to maintain close relationships with my family and friends despite being thousands of miles away from them.

The problem is not that technology is advancing at a chaotic rate; it’s that society thinks it can keep up. Many of us, indulging in the age of convenience, feel smarter, more talented, and stronger than we actually are. My concern is that this will be met with complete and utter disillusionment.

Then again, there is some likelihood that we have past the point of no return. Can we be “saved,” and do we even want to be? Is this where fate has brought us? What is more important, more valuable –the minds creating and using new technology or the technology itself?

One thing is certain: we have to prepare for the coming changes accordingly. A professor once told me, “when it comes to planning let’s remember Noah –it wasn’t raining when he built the ark”. It may not have been raining, but there was a premonition of disaster, and the same is potentially true for the current state of culture and societal values. We know that we are undergoing immense change, though we are not yet sure if it is for worse or for better. Let’s err on the side of caution and prepare for the worse. Let’s visualize for the future and make use of the very tools responsible for “dumbing down” our culture to make it wiser and smarter. Let’s pursue Lee Siegel’s idealism of joining human nature and technology in matrimony.


Forced quiz in order to download

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Telescopes from your computer!

This is a cool idea that lets you view telescopic sights straight on your computer.
Unfortunately its for windows only right now

The dumbest generation?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Heart Warming Semester Revisited

In reading some more literature about e-commerce and consumerism, I've realized that the prediction that I made about e-commerce replacing Mom & Pop stores was a little fantastical. While the internet will capture many consumers, I think physical stores will still draw people out -- albeit in a smaller number than before.

Things Younger than John McCain

Can blogs like this really shape political debate?

It does have a nice layout ;)

Cablevision Strikes Deal to Buy Newsday

Big news for LI :)

Government 2.0

Identity Parade

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Obama Clinton Star Wars

From YouTube to the Television

A man takes a video of an struggle between lions, crocodiles, and buffalo. The mere grouping of these three animals makes most people want to see the video, never mind the fact that it involves a fight for survival as one buffalo calf is surrounded by a group of the two types of vicious predators. This is a video shot by a Texan named David Budzinski, while he was on a safari in Kruger National Park in South Africa. After he returned home he attempted to sell the video and was turned down by the major animal networks, National Geographic and Animal Planet. So instead of let it just sit on tape he posted it on YouTube; that video received over 30 million views! This prompted National Geographic to approach the amateur filmier and purchase the rights to the television broadcast, and will culminate in what is considered to be the first hour-long documentary based off a YouTube clip.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Social networking for kiddies

Heart-Warming Semester

There is no doubt that the internet is revolutionizing communication and commerce in a greater and different way than previous technological innovations (i.e. television, radio). The interactive nature of the internet and the levels of efficiency the internet has facilitated are what make it unique.
The internet’s potential in democratizing anything from commerce to politics means that in America, we will hold it near and dear. Throughout this semester, we have learned that there are pros and cons to increasing our reliance on the internet—a lack of transparency and security remain powerful deterrents to moving our lives online, yet the same lack of transparency is also a powerful tool in democratizing opinion and fostering discussion.
This heart-warming encapsulation of the semester is meant to apply what I have learned about the pros and cons of the internet towards a prediction of the future of the digital realm. I predict that problems with security and transparency will prevent us from moving politics online. I predict that the efficiency and low fixed costs of ventures online will attract businesses to the internet so that Mom & Pop stores will become obsolete. I predict that blogs will flourish and that a healthy balance of professional journalists and semi-professional journalists will be able to exist in harmony. I predict that the internet will negatively democratize art, diluting our perception of “talent.” I predict that the government will not regulate the internet, because it would ruin its revolutionary potential. Internet law will be minimal because it is near impossible to universalize what is “correct.” I predict that the internet is going to shift personal social interactions to social interactions online. I predict that social networks will both help keep people in contact and also cause them to move further apart.
The conclusion is clear: the internet will democratize everything—the question that hangs is this: When is it a good thing, and when should we steer clear of moving online?

The End of an Era

This semester I can honestly say that I now know more people are watching us then i ever thought. We have explored a variety of topics this semester from, online social networking, to intellectual property rights, and private companies collecting data on us like TIA or the Matrix. It was really interesting to see how the private technology sector has been pushed in such a way to make technology for snooping . The people told the government that it was not allowed to spy on us so the answer was to outsource the job to the private sector. This on reflection does make me a bit uneasy because it seems that the government, that is supposed to represent the peoples' will, just bypassed it with their decision to turn the job over to private entrepreneurs. Is this a way out of the checks and balances system that the founders simply couldn't foresee?
The lectures were interesting, except for the one that told me that I was wasting my money by going to a liberal arts institution rather than a more career focused school. "Don't Taze Me Bro" was something i had never seen before so this class also introduced me that and many other funny videos.
Having us blog for a grade was also an interesting practice that I had not experienced before. I enjoyed it as it allowed me to spend more time reading news stories instead of doing my other work.

All in all this was a great class and anyone would do well to take it simply for their own general knowledge in how technology and politics are playing together in this modern age.

Today, I Think I’ll Be Hippohead

Comcast’s Near-Unlimited Bandwidth Limits

The New Hacker Economics

Technology Group Plans Wireless Network

Next Right

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This Semester

Digital Politics (aka Digi) has opened my eyes to new technologies and schools of thought in the digital media that I had not previously realized existed. We are entering a new era of society, evolving completely around technology and we must be willing to respond to new issues as they arise.

Copyright laws need to change for the 21st century. There are ways for organizations to make profits without keeping individuals from using copyrighted materials or downloading music or movies illegally. The right answer is not making it more difficult for people to rip music and movies off the Internet, rather a peaceful coexistence needs to be created between the two groups.

The speakers we have had in class have been interesting and informative. Although Dan Nye may have a more optimistic view of LinkedIn than many critics have, his dedication to the company must be applauded. LinkedIn generally has a great idea for the future of social networking, and if they continue improving the site and expanding the options, I can see it as being just as successful as Facebook. Harris Miller made sweeping generalizations about post-secondary education, and I disagree with him on many of his points. Although career colleges may be useful for some people who do not wish to get much of a higher education, it is absolutely incorrect to say that they are the best option for the majority of the country. Stu Ingis was probably the most interesting of the speakers we have had this semester. Although I disagree with many of the philosophies some of the companies he represents in regards to Internet law, he seems to represent them well and has a knowledge in the subject far beyond many others.

All in all, I have learned more in this class about Web policy and issues than I ever knew existed. I think that the future of the Internet and social networks in particular looks wide open and it will be interesting to see how governmental and corporation policy will adapt to the new technologies the Internet allows.

Follow Up Link to the Previous Post

Is Facebooks Application Explosion Finally Starting to Let Up?

This article shows statistical data collected through various forums, as well as the actually starting up of new applications to show the clear slump that Facebook is going through with regards to designers creating new applications. The affects that this could have on the end users may be evident in the near future.

RECOUNT Movie Trailer

HBO’s upcoming made-for-TV movie "Recount" (premiering 5/25) revisits the chaos in Florida following the 2000 presidential election.

Free Wi-Fi, but Not for All

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Much Does That Person On the Other Line Really Know?

As the increase in outsourcing of calls continues to rise to with an estimated $280 billion spent last year on such outsourcing centers, many have increased the technology that enables them get information on the caller. An example of this is "Cisco's voice-analysis system monitors parameters including volume, cadence, tone, pitch and inflection, and then sorts callers into six personality types to help agents fine-tune call handling." There is also the use of "context data" which takes into account various factors that are being put on the caller such as weather, the time of day, the location of the call, and recent transactions. This all is to provide the help centers with an increased ability to relate to the caller and allow for the customer to feel at ease. But is it going to far???

Can AM Radio Reign Again?

As satellite and radio starts to emerge one company hopes to take advantage of an already existing technology, but just adding a few key touches to give it a new found power. It is called Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)and is striving to become the "digital replacement for "for traditional long-, medium- and short-wave radio." The advantage of this is that it is relatively low cost, as you would only modify existing AM stations, and at the same time have a greater range than current FM stations. The new technology can allow for music to be heard as far as halfway across the world, this was exhibited in a recent test were transmissions from Europe were heard clearly in Australia. Only time will tell if this technology can hold its own against new-age competitors.

Wikipedia Struggles With What Direction It Should Go

A bitter battle is being fought on the internet today, more specifically on Wikipedia, between a group called "inclusionists" and another called "deletionists". The center of this debate is described in this Economist article as Wikipedia either striving "to encompass every aspect of human knowledge, no matter how trivial; or it can adopt a more stringent editorial policy and ban articles on trivial subjects, in the hope that this will enhance its reputation as a trustworthy and credible reference source." The real problem being if things are deleted, what kind of guidelines will be followed in this deletion? In the past Wikipedia's choice about what to keep and what to delete has come under scrutiny as the article describes. Which side are you on?


Don't forget to bring your laptop and headphones to class today. Thanks!

Google Seeks Open-Access Pledge From Verizon

Free Wi-Fi, but Not for All

Prepping Robots to Perform Surgery

Leading Indian Telecom Seeking Deal in South Africa

As the western powers decline the growing economies look for a new market.

T-Mobile Offers 3G in New York

quicker internet for NYC?

AT&T Welcomes Programmers for All Phones Except the iPhone

Why is Steve Jobs against creativity?

Turning Nonworking Gizmos Into Money

Get money or save the environment? answer is to do both.

Good News in the One Million Missing iPhones

Apparently Apple is finding the argument that the iphone sales themselves are doing the company a good profit. Granted the amount that they get from AT&T is a great revenue apple still benefits a lot from iphones being sold and their brand reinforced. This is another good argument for apple to step back from grouping with the AT&Ts of the world and allow the consumer more choice.

Where Are Those Million iPhones? Everywhere.

Apparently iphones are everywhere even though apple hasn't worked out plans to sell the iphone everywhere. The answer is that all of these phones have been unlocked and adapted to local service providers.

The i’s Have It: The BBC’s iPlayer on the iPhone

The $199 iPhone? Something’s Missing From the Picture

A cheaper iphone? the next generation iphone is coming out this summer and it seems like there might be a subsidy. Also a big part in this article was that apple is thinking about losing the old business model of getting monthly fees from AT&T and just selling phones. Unlocked phones would mean that people would be free to use them on any phone service.

Now in Play: AOL, Facebook and Many Others

Facebook is still the free radical online company but who else will get auctioned off to the "internet giants" in years to come ?

Google Ends Microsoft’s Yahoo Search

In analysis Google of course wins out from the whole situation. But they certainly played a role in the aborted merger

If You Use Outlook E-Mail, Meet Xobni

Monday, May 5, 2008

Could Mobile TV Work?

Does YouTube on your iPhone not cut it anymore to the point where watching mobile TV channels is necessary? People around the world have already started to suscribe to mobil TV broadcasts and channels. In Italy, people pay almost $30 to watch around a dozen TV channels. How far will this spread and will you give in?

Swapping Your TV for Your Computer?

Is your life so entertaining and full of enlightenment that your TV just simply isn't necessary? Is watching TV on your computer just as good? Is the internet too random? Too amateur?

How Does Campaign Merchandise Label Candidates?

The campaign retail stores of the recent candidates offer numerous amounts of merchandise. From the typical buttons and bumper stickers to the more unique polo shirts and clocks, McCain, Clinton, and Obama demonstrate their ways of including everyone. While the merchandise may not unveil any hidden value or purpose of a candidate, it shows how campaign strategy focuses around culture conformity. A candidate wants to reach out to various groups of people who are from all walks of life. The typical saying of "quality over quantity" still resonates around these merchandising techniques. Design critics are able to describe Obama and Clinton as focused on the working class and that McCain broadens his inventory by offering "lesiure-class items" such as sailing jackets. The critics of this article feel that the accessory department of the candidate's inventory reveals the most. With such everyday tools like rulers and ice scraper, it seems that Obama's 'hope bracelet' offers the most sentimental value. These three candidates demonstrate various levels of merchandising technique and while some feel that it really does not give one an edge over the other, a strategy is a strategy. Each candidate tries to target people who are going to show undying support as well as trying to swing confused voters. At the end of the day, a McCain sailing jacket over a Clinton "I'm your girl" button is not going to be the end all be all decision of a voter, but it certainly grasps people's attention.

Cookie monster

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Technology?

Nanontechnology + Phones = Morph

watch this video on the nokia morph. Its not something we will see for a while but its still a crazy way to think about how phones could be in a 5-10 years. To see it in action use this url to watch the video.

The Next Sweet Phone

Spam reaches 30-year anniversary

Cuba allows for home computers

Since fidel has left office a new set of reforms has been implemented one of which being the allowing of personal; computers at home. Unfortunately the computers cost quite a bit more than the average salary in cuba. Also the internet is not able to be accessed for a couple reasons. The first is that Cuba cannot connect to the underwater fiber optics wires from the US because of the long standing US trade embargo. The second option which would be satellite is too expensive and there is not a lot of bandwidth to go around. Venezuela is apparently laying down wires as well for internet and maybe Cuba can connect to them but it is still one more example of how the US is losing out on a market that is so close to their shores. The question also remains if the people of cuba will be allowed to access the net once the opportunity to do so arises. Currently only work places and schools are allowed access.

BBC exposes Facebook flaw

Microsoft and Yahoo The End?

Microsoft says that it is finally giving up its bid for yahoo. Ever since they first put in a bid Yahoo has said that microsoft undervalued their company. Now microsoft is saying that it wouldnt make sense for them to acquire Yahoo anymore because of things that the CEO would do to the company before they could take it over. Instead microsoft will go it alone on web advertising and try to compete with the giant of google. What is interesting is that apparently yahoo started talking to google and other firms about possible mergers but it found out that there would be a lot of problems if it attempted to merge with google since that would be 90% of the ad market under one name.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Is Lawrence Lessig the next Reverend Wright (and a Communist, and a qualsi-socialist, and...)

Will Lawrence Lessig and the Free Culture movement become a political liability?

Ever since Lawrence Lessig emerged into the public sphere, there have been whispers among fringe critics that his ideology is just info-communism, but it looks like the innovators over at Red State have managed to create a new charge against Lessig: anti-christian.

It all started with a Keynote. As part of Lawrence Lessig's iconic Free Culture talks, there's a montage of clips showing off some of the funniest moments of remix culture, including video from the left, the right, and the absurd. Several months ago, as he wound down his focus on Free Culture, and prepared to shift his focus to the corruption of political culture, he began to add several more videos to this series, including a short film by "guerilla filmmaker" Javier Brato featuring Jesus in a diaper lipsyncing Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive, and well...

This video has been in many of his most recent talks, including his talk in the Authors @ Google series, the footage of which (of course) was put up on YouTube.

Enter Barack Obama. Obama used to teach Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School along with Lawrence Lessig, who began teaching at UChicago after clerking for the legendary jurist (and fellow Chicago faculty member) Richard Posner. In addition to advocating for Free Culture, network neutrality, and a host of other tech-centric policies, Lessig has recently become one of the most vocal supporters of Barack Obama, releasing a series of videos on his support of Barack Obama (which lay out some of the most interesting intellectual arguments in support of any candidate I've ever seen).

Lessig has become a pretty high profile public intellectual, particularly in the technology, and his support of Obama only has elevated Lessig further.

On April 21st, RedState, a conservative blog network, made a high profile post about Lessig, his support for Google and Obama, and his "anti-christian stance", which also immediately urged readers to call the Senate Commerce Committee and ask them to stop Lessig from testifying on network neutrality the next day (this tactic, which I frankly consider to be brilliant, deserves a post in its own right).

Could this be the start of a new trend - quite possibly. The following week, the Progress and Freedom Foundation, a right-leaning technology policy think tank released a report entitled Tragedy and Farce: An Analysis of the Book Free Culture (and a fantastically titled accompanying press release: "Free Culture" Akin to "Quasi-Socialist Utopianism"), charging that Lessig advocates that the United States should move to a Soviet Union style system for information policy, and promising that this is merely the opening salvo in their criticism of Lessig's works.

Could this be the intellectual run-up to halt Lessig's Change Congress project? Perhaps, though it's more likely that it's a growing movement designed to curb Lessig's influence on shaping tech industry policy as a whole, not to tie him to the Obama campaign and try to use him to sink the ship.

Additional coverage:

Ars Technica - Lessig, Google, Obama, and Jesus: a net neutrality mash-up

Ars Technica - Is Lessig's Free Culture Just a Modern Das Kopyright?

Netroots miffed by candidates appearing on Fox