Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Career College Benefits

The idea of a profit seeking college is not exactly appealing to me but at the same time I have trouble with states discriminating against them. The only reason that for profit colleges are able to exist (even though they are more expensive than public universities) is that they have a place in the market. The reason for this is because our government is not educating its populous well enough.

I am curious about the idea of whether or not American students should be tracked sooner into careers? My opinion is that early job tracking shouldn't be necessary. People are living longer and longer which makes it seem like early job tracking is unnecessary. Why rush into a career? I understand that for some, finding a career after college is essential, but at the same time I don't feel that a govt should be looking to push their citizens into a one career related education. This seems to be the path that Europe is taking and I'm thinking that it isn't beneficial to the citizens even though it might be for the society as a whole.

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