Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Voting tech Pt 2

The second part of this book covered issues relating to elderly and other demographics usage of the voting technologies that were studied in this book. I personally like the touchscreen zommable machine. This seems to be the most aesthetically pleasing and also offers a lot of control to the user. I particularly like the bottom part of the screen that shows you where you are on the ballot and what there is left to fill out. The drawbacks that i still see with these new machines are many. As johnothon points out the elderly are a huge voice in the election (although i predict the youth vote will be sizeable this year) and if touchscreen machines are used then many of these voters could be disenfranchised. The book points out that there could be classes offered although i am skeptical as to whether people would actually attend these training sessions. I would purpose that if there was such a massive switch made that these type of training programs should be offered throughout the year and be made available almost everyday of the year. I also worry about the security of the voting machine and how easily it can be hacked. As per david's video. Eventually I believe that there will be less problems because of current generations familiarity with technology. Although before this occurs a non tech option should be offered.

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