Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Agree With the Founding Fathers

I believe that it is better to have fewer, well deliberated votes than any amount of casual votes that use of the internet in voting might generate.


sam said...

I disagree how can you call it democracy to have only a few vote when the government that is being voted on is supposed to represent the will of all people in its country? Having only a select view vote severely limits the authority given to government because only a few are voicing their opinions. By having many vote there could be much more diversity in opinion and as a result a better representative picture is shown of the people as a whole

Jacob Kleinrock said...

I agree with Sam. It will be a sad day in America when the citizens are not allowed to vote without educational restrictions. (Jim Crow Laws anybody?) It is important that everyone that wishes to voice their opinion, no matter how uneducated they may be have the opportunity to do so, since we live in a Democracy.