Monday, February 11, 2008

Mike Huckabee is Chuck Norris Approved

Compare the contents with "Yes We Can" and "Hillary and the Band"

I think this ad is a better comparison for the Hillary video than "Yes We Can" is. "Yes We Can" wasn't even technically a part of Obama's was a result of successful campaigning.

In this ad, Huckabee is targeting (more successfully) the same audience that Hillary is with her lame band video (sorry, though her concept was good, the execution was poor which is inexcusable in a day and age when any John Doe in pajamas can put out a great/hilarious video on youtube).

With our ongoing debate concerning the success of these kinds of ads, all I can think of is Sen. McCain...he isn't wasting his time with them, and he has been awfully successful. We've mentioned what a crucial role the youth is playing in this election, yet McCain hasn't seemed to blatantly target them. Perhaps a clear cut message and straight talk is all it really takes.


BA said...

Also, Im curious...Did any of yall feel more inclined to click the Chuck Norris link than other previous posts?

Chris R said...

I'll be honest, seeing Chuck Norris at the top of a post made me want to see what it held, as we all know the star of Walker Texas Ranger makes everything seem a bit better. I think while this ad was purposely on the cheesy side, it did show a lighthearted side of Huckabee, who while not winning is still a contender in the presidential race.

Sanjana Nafday said...
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